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2018 Global LED Lighting Market Outlook

2018 Global LED Lighting Market Outlook According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Light LED and LED Lighting Market Outlook, LED lighting market scale will achieve USD 32.72 billion in 2018 and will reach USD 33.3 billion in 2019 when lighting that can be replaced enter the period of saturation, while industrial, architectural and landscape, outdoor and special commercial lighting will keep on developing. According to LEDinside survey on global installed LED lighting...

Smart Lighting Opens Development Possibilities for LED Industry

Smart Lighting Opens Development Possibilities for the LED Industry Looking at the current lighting market, smart lighting has already become a new product that manufacturers such as Philips are rushing to release. It was a hot topic not only at the Light+Building exhibition in Germany but also in the recent Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition earlier this month. The smart lighting market is still in its early stages of development, but manufacturers are eager to expand. The market anticipates entering into a...