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什么是健康照明? 以下是一些您必须了解的详细信息

什么是健康照明? Here Are Some Details You Must Know After more than ten years of development, LED照明行业从追求光效率的提升, 节能和成本对光质量的需求, 健康, 生物安全, 和轻环境. 特别是近年来, LED 引起的蓝光危害问题, 人类节律障碍, 人眼视网膜损伤逐渐显现, 让业界意识到健康照明的普及. 然而, the light color...


蓝光真的对你的健康有害吗?? 随着科学技术的进步和社会的发展, 电子产品, 比如电脑和手机, have become necessities of people's lives. 无处不在的电子屏幕充满了我们的生活, 学习和工作. 然而, the high-energy blue light emitted by electronic products is constantly impairing people's vision health. 所以, 什么是蓝光? 也许这听起来很熟悉, 但我们不熟悉, 如果检查细节. The light...

消费者对舒适和健康的新需求, LED 照明行业引领健康照明时代

消费者对舒适和健康的新需求, LED Lighting Industry Usher In the Era of Healthy Lighting Natural light full-spectrum LED is coming into a new development trend of lighting Comfortable and healthy lighting has become a new demand for consumption. 那么,什么样的光源是一个舒适健康的光源? 人类在地球上生活了数百万年,并且随着生活环境的变化而不断演变, but the only constant is dependence and...