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用Logos照明提高照明效率: 掌握高棚仓库灯

用Logos照明提高照明效率: Mastering High Bay Warehouse Lights Introduction In the realm of industrial and warehouse illumination, 工矿灯至关重要. 本综合指南, 专注于 Logos 照明, 该领域的知名品牌, will cover key aspects of high bay lighting. From understanding the specific requirements for spacing and light intensity to exploring the benefits and various applications of high bay lights, this article aims to provide a detailed overview. Whether you are planning to install...

高棚照明LED: 您需要知道的一切

高棚照明LED: Everything You Need to Know LED high bay lighting is the perfect energy-efficient lighting solution for industrial and commercial areas with high ceilings, 像仓库一样, 健身房, 谷仓, 超市, 等等. 本文内容, 您将学习: Table of Contents What is high bay lighting? 高棚照明和低棚照明有什么区别? LED高棚灯有哪些不同类型? 如何选择高棚灯? 我需要多少盏高棚灯? Can...

如何用 LED 体育场灯替换金属卤化物或卤素体育场灯 (1000W 至 2000W)

如何用 LED 体育场灯替换金属卤化物或卤素体育场灯 (1000W 至 2000W) 您是否计划更换 1000W, 2000W, 甚至更高的瓦数金属卤化物或卤素体育场灯? 这样做有很多优点. 例如, 您可以节省体育场照明的运行成本和维护成本,因为 LED 更节能、更耐用. 让我们来看看如何用LED体育场灯代替MH和卤素灯泡. 我们为什么要替换...


Lighting required values and tips for soccer stadiums in accordance with UEFA regulations The light temperature should be between 4000K and 6000K. The lighting system inside the stadium must be installed in a way to minimize the intensity of the players' shadows cast on the field, to get the best result it's recommended distributing the origin of the luminous flux uniformly on all the field sides, if such installation isn't possible, the luminous flux will still have to come from at least...


Colour Reproduction and Color Rendering Index Light and color determine the climate atmosphere of a room. 为了我们这个社会, 重要的是,环境和人类皮肤的颜色尽可能现实地再现. If one's skin color appears pale and colorless, 这并不是因为灯的凉爽光色, 而是因为它的色彩渲染质量差. This property of a light source describes how naturally illuminated faces or objects appear in their...

5 购买体育场灯的提示

5 Tips for Buying Stadium Lights Lighting football fields and stadiums is an experience that continues to get better with time. 安装灯时, 玩家有一些灯指向他们. 这有助于他们打好比赛,观众可以清楚地看到. 选择足球场和体育场的灯光对许多人来说可能是个挑战. 如果您打算在足球场或体育场安装灯光, here are some tips that...


How to Reduce Light Pollution Light pollution is almost everywhere. 它可能来自体育场或其他地方. 当你在小镇的天际线上喘气时, 你可以从远处欣赏它. 睡前,街上的光线可能也会照耀着你卧室的窗户. 光污染与天空中的星光相抗衡. 进一步, 它影响天文景观, 破坏生态系统, 并可能对健康造成严重影响. 有 4 常见的光污染种类:...

LED 灯如何受到热的影响

How LED Lights Are Affected by Heat Compared with incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps, LED 具有光效率高的优点, 长寿命, 快速响应, 和环境保护. LED 的触感很酷,因为它们通常不会以红外辐射的形式产生热量,例如太阳发出的热量。, 加热线圈, 或白炽灯. 这使得他们成为热制造问题的地方的完美选择. 但这不是真的,他们不产生任何热量. For...


What Are Dimming Curves The dimming curve is a parameter that the dimming device often enumerates. 一般来说, 调光装置接收输入信号后,根据预定功能输出光. 此函数图像是调光曲线. 调光设备是调光设备的重要参数之一. 它直接影响光输出的效果,是数字调光设备性能的体现. Types of the dimming curve There are many dimming curves, and some devices have...


All You Need to Know About LogosLED Venus LED Stadium Lighting Fixtures LogosLED has launched it's new generation high quality LED high mast lighting fixtures for the stadium and sports lighting. 以下是此 LED 体育场照明灯具的功能和详细信息. 1. 独立的模块化设计, 250W 每个模块化集成与驱动器, 模块易于组装和拆卸; 金星 LED 体育场灯 2. 每个模块可上下旋转 30 度; 270度可旋转机架角度允许精确安装; 3. 反。。.