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用Logos照明提高照明效率: 掌握高棚仓库灯

用Logos照明提高照明效率: Mastering High Bay Warehouse Lights Introduction In the realm of industrial and warehouse illumination, 工矿灯至关重要. 本综合指南, 专注于 Logos 照明, 该领域的知名品牌, will cover key aspects of high bay lighting. From understanding the specific requirements for spacing and light intensity to exploring the benefits and various applications of high bay lights, this article aims to provide a detailed overview. Whether you are planning to install...

高棚照明LED: 您需要知道的一切

高棚照明LED: Everything You Need to Know LED high bay lighting is the perfect energy-efficient lighting solution for industrial and commercial areas with high ceilings, 像仓库一样, 健身房, 谷仓, 超市, 等等. 本文内容, 您将学习: Table of Contents What is high bay lighting? 高棚照明和低棚照明有什么区别? LED高棚灯有哪些不同类型? 如何选择高棚灯? 我需要多少盏高棚灯? Can...

新斜线 LED 线性高托架灯

New Lanched LED Linear High Bay Light The LED market has grown explosively for its energy-saving and the cost goes down in recent years. 工业照明是照明市场的重要市场. 满足客户的各种需求和市场的快速增长, Logos Lighting最近推出了一款新的LED线性高棚灯. 在这里我们来看看这个LED高棚灯: 1. 模块化设计, the power ranges from 50W to...

影响 LED 高湾灯发光效率的因素

What Factors Affect the Luminous Efficiency of a LED High Bay Light LEDs are more and more widely used due to it is much energy-saving and environmental friendly. 高发光效率LED灯越来越受欢迎,因为它意味着在将电转换为光并节省更多能源时更高的效率。. 但是您知道哪些因素会影响LED灯具的发光效率吗?? There are three main factors that affect the luminous efficiency of a...

您的 LED 高湾灯是否配备假美斯韦尔驱动器?

您的高托架灯是否配备 MEAN WELL 驱动器? 如果你认为这个MEAN WELL驱动程序, 您的 LED 高托架灯可以持续 5 年或以上, 我们很抱歉地告诉它可能不能. 因为你的平均好司机可能是假的. 作为一个高湾灯制造商, 我们很高兴越来越多的LED高海湾灯用于工业照明. 领导驱动程序是 LED 高舱灯的核心. It affects the...

返回页首 6 LED 高托架照明的优势

返回页首 6 BENEFITS OF LED HIGH BAY LIGHTING Warehouse owners and managers have numerous lighting options, 但一种类型正变得越来越流行. 高托架 LED 照明具有许多功能,使其成为商业空间的绝佳选择. 1.ENERGY SAVINGS Reducing energy use is the number one benefit of transitioning to LED lights. LED 灯以其能效而广为人知, 无论使用什么类型的 LED 灯或它的位置. 例如, LED lights use half the energy...