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闪耀更明亮: 光效的科学与前景

Introduction In today's energy-conscious world, 光芒比以往任何时候都更加明亮地照耀着 LED 光效的概念. As we navigate through the challenges of environmental sustainability and energy conservation, the role of efficient lighting transcends mere functionality—it becomes a key player in the global effort to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints. Amidst this backdrop, understanding and optimizing light efficiency is not just beneficial; it's imperative. Central to the discourse on light efficiency is the concept of luminous efficacy. This...

线性工矿灯: 现代照明的明智之选

Introduction Linear high bay lights stand at the forefront of modern lighting solutions, illuminating vast spaces with unparalleled efficiency and clarity. Characterized by their elongated form, these fixtures are designed to distribute light evenly across wide areas, making them an ideal choice for commercial and industrial settings with high ceilings. The evolution of lighting technology has seen a dramatic shift from conventional incandescent and fluorescent lights to more energy-efficient and durable options, such as LED. Among these advancements, linear high bay lights...

用Logos照明提高照明效率: 掌握高棚仓库灯

用Logos照明提高照明效率: Mastering High Bay Warehouse Lights Introduction In the realm of industrial and warehouse illumination, 工矿灯至关重要. 本综合指南, 专注于 Logos 照明, 该领域的知名品牌, will cover key aspects of high bay lighting. From understanding the specific requirements for spacing and light intensity to exploring the benefits and various applications of high bay lights, this article aims to provide a detailed overview. Whether you are planning to install...

用于夜间钓鱼的 LED 船灯: 照亮您的水上冒险

用于夜间钓鱼的 LED 船灯: Illuminating Your Aquatic Adventures Introduction Exploring Night Fishing Night fishing is like stepping into a whole new world. 当太阳下山时, 水变成了一个神秘的地方. It's quiet and peaceful, but it's also a bit tricky. You can't see as well, 而且鱼更难被发现. It's like trying to find your way in a dark room. 你知道鱼在那里, but catching them is a whole different...

照亮水域: LogosLED渔船灯的优点

照亮水域: The Advantages of LogosLED Fishing Boat Lights Introduction of LED fishing boat lights Effective lighting on fishing boats is not just a matter of convenience; 它是安全的关键组成部分, 效率, 和成功的捕鱼作业. 合适的 LED 渔船灯起着几个关键作用: 安全: 首先,也是最重要的, 充足的照明确保了船员和船只的安全. 它有助于在黑暗的水域中航行和避开障碍物, 天然的和人造的. Well-lit boats are also...

高棚照明LED: 您需要知道的一切

高棚照明LED: Everything You Need to Know LED high bay lighting is the perfect energy-efficient lighting solution for industrial and commercial areas with high ceilings, 像仓库一样, 健身房, 谷仓, 超市, 等等. 本文内容, 您将学习: Table of Contents What is high bay lighting? 高棚照明和低棚照明有什么区别? LED高棚灯有哪些不同类型? 如何选择高棚灯? 我需要多少盏高棚灯? Can...

什么是色温 LED照明

每个灯泡包都有灯泡发出的光的描述. 它可能读作温暖, 凉, 自然的, 或日光, 但这可能不足以帮助您决定在家中的哪个房间使用哪个灯泡. 在这里,我们将解释LED照明的色温以及家庭某些房间的哪些温度最好. The Colour Scale LED commercial lights come in a range from soft yellows to bright whites. Warm light tends toward...

关于 LED 灯闪烁,您需要了解的一切

All You Need to Know About Flickering of LED Light The flickering of light sources as well as pulsation and stroboscopic effects cause visual disturbances and can lead to fatigue and headaches. 您必须, 因此, 避免. 亮度波动称为闪烁. 观察者认为他们非常令人不安. 这些波动被人类认为在低频下非常令人不快 (在极端情况下,高达约. 80 赫兹). 作为例外, low-frequency flicker can also trigger photosensitive epileptic...

4 光管理的好处

4 Benefits with Light Management The lighting technology is an essential part of the technical equipment of buildings. 专业规划, 它为运营商和用户提供了极大的附加值. 智能照明管理和 LED 的使用为照明提供量身定制的解决方案: 基于需求, 方便, 高效. 只 "上" 和 "关闭" 是昨天. 光管理系统将正确的光线带到正确的位置 - 在正确的时间和正确的强度. 高照度水平是否用于要求苛刻的视觉任务, 通道区域中存在依赖控制的照明, 或可选照明场景,如 "讨论" 和 "表示" 在会议室里. 今天, 照明越来越适应特殊要求和个人需求. 照明管理也是提高照明可持续性的关键. 因为只有电子控制,运营商和用户才能充分利用现代光源. Here are some main benefits with...

LED 灯如何受到热的影响

How LED Lights Are Affected by Heat Compared with incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps, LED 具有光效率高的优点, 长寿命, 快速响应, 和环境保护. LED 的触感很酷,因为它们通常不会以红外辐射的形式产生热量,例如太阳发出的热量。, 加热线圈, 或白炽灯. 这使得他们成为热制造问题的地方的完美选择. 但这不是真的,他们不产生任何热量. For...